"Megatron? Did you just say Megatron? Did he just say Megatron? THERE IS NO MEGATRON! Megatron is offline, terminated, I did it myse-- saw it myself."

Starscream is not the best, the strongest, the most "likeable" or the most complex character in the transformers franchise, but by GOD he is the most entertaining.

I wholeheartedly believe that any piece of media could be improved by simply adding this wretched creature. Everything he does is kind of hysterical. I love him so much!

That being said, I'm also attached on a more sympathetic level. This bit's a little more embarrassing to me but i'm trying to be more ernest with my interests, so I wanted to mention it.

I do not collect transformers toys, but I do have two tiny starscreams. One is a Christmas gift from my best friend and the other I found in a secondhand store.

Transformers Media I have consumed:

  • Animated - complete
  • Prime - complete
  • RID + TAAO (IDW1) - complete
  • Bumblebee Movie - complete
  • MTMTE + Lost Light - almost complete
  • IDW2 - started
  • Armada - started
  • Bayverse - incomplete
  • Beast Wars - started
  • Beast Wars II - started
  • Generation One - started

    Although I did grow up with G1, I don't remember it well, and preferred Animated anyway.

  • My Favourite Trivia:

  • He's died more than any other character across continuities. Credit to that find goes to the Youtuber, Diamondbolt. Unfortunately the video is gone now.
  • In IDW2 he had a mentor (mother, effectively) who was trapped inside a chimp. Less funny than it sounds.
  • Starscream is the original mold for all seeker toys and character designs. Skywarp and Thundercracker being his earliest spin-offs.
  • I love him.
  • In IDW1, the reason given to his many look-alikes comes from Starscream committing tax fraud!
  • Transformers Lifeforms (working title)

    I have my own Transformers continuity that I like to play around with in my head. This version of the story means a lot to me, even if it isn't the most in-depth outside of my personal favourite characters.

    Of course this means Starscream has a lot going on. Though it's not like he's a particularly minor character in most official material anyway.

    There are two main storylines in this AU. The Earth Saga (aka the part of the war that takes place on earth, similar to most cartoons) and Post-War, which follows the surviving cybertronians as they try to settle back into a peaceful life on Cybertron.

    The look and feel is very cartoonish and takes heavy visual inspiration from shows like Transformers Animated and Panty and Stockings.

    Not having to sell toys means I can do whatever I want!

    Since this is a Starscream specific page, I'll share a bit of the solidified lore I have for them in this universe.

    First thing is that Thundercracker and Skywarp are Starscream's siblings. They were conjoined sparks, which were seperated and placed into identical mass-produced frames. In a process similar to IDW1's concept of constructed cold. Having these three as siblings has always been my favourite take on their dynamic. It fits in with their meta origins, and I think it makes their bickering funnier.

    I have two endings for him. One where he Double Dies after his ghost arc (G1 may not have been my favourite, but I love ghost starscream conceptually). And a version where he survives the war and becomes my favourite source of comic-relief and drama post-war. Living in the care of Skyfire after Skyfire had convinced the autobots he'd keep him out of trouble.

    Also he has the Tom Kenny voice.


    Star Formation
    Words: 1468
    Rating: General Audience
    Universe: Transformers Lifeforms (fan-continuity)
    Summary: A brief exploration into the first waking moments of a mass-produced Cybertronian Seeker, and how it ignited the first sparks of ambition in one particular individual.

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